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Join our Designer Cats Loyalty Program today and discover a world of exclusive benefits designed just for you! As a valued member, you'll earn points with every purchase, allowing to unlock special rewards and discounts that enhance your shopping experience. Our program is just about points; it's about celebrating your passion for designer cats and connecting with a community that shares your love. Enjoy personalized offers, early access to new collections, and exciting promotions that make your journey with us even more rewarding. Sign up now and start enjoying all the fantastic perks that come with being a part of our Designer Cats family!
Designer Cats Loyalty Programme
Earn points and turn them into rewards
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Sign Up
Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program
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Earn Points
Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders.
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Redeem Rewards
Redeem points for various discounts.
Program tiers
Reach new tiers as you earn more points.- 0 total earned points required
Earn Points- Purchase a productGet 1 point for every $1 spent
- Sign up to the siteGet 5 points
Redeem Rewards- 5% off all store products2,000 Points = 5% off the lowest priced item in cart
- Redeem points discount200 Points = $1 discount
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